
Whether you're a clinic, healthcare institution, health plan, OEM, distributor, employer, or payor - we can help you.


Here is what we bring to the table

Branded content featured in the app
Custom built decks with the content you desire
Analytics and other insights into your customer and how they are interacting with Auribus
Custom articles featured in the in-app feed and custom blog posts, also published to the newsletter
we can help you


Whether you're a clinic, healthcare institution, health plan, OEM, distributors, employer, or payor --

Member retention

With your content in the app, the customer is interacting with your brand on a regular basis. Extending relationships after post-activation and tuning can increase the likelihood of an overall positive outcome which leads to heightened retention.

Member satisfaction

By integrating our premier auditory training platform with your product, the customer gets an unparalleled user experience that enables them to optimize the functionality of your offerings, resulting in heightened customer satisfaction.

A competitive edge

Receive intimate access to non-customers and onboard then into your brand. Gain a distinct competitive edge by forging direct relationships with a new customer base.

Analytics and monitoring

Gain a deeper comprehension of the process of auditory training through analytics. Learn of the nuances in your customers training behavior.

Save time and money

Save hundreds of thousands of dollars. A partnership streamlines product development and mitigates costs by substituting the need for in-house capabilities, freeing internal resources. This strategic adoption guarantees a high-quality auditory training solution while realizing significant time and financial savings.

Educate members

Deliver microlearning resources made by us or your organization to your members.

Work wITH US

Ready to bring comprehensive, scalable hearing healthcare to your organization?

Get in touch