We drive research

The Auribus platform is exceptionally well-positioned for research in aural rehabilitation, offering unparalleled customization for content and analytics to track participant progress. We enable seamless integration and distribution of tailored training modules to support a wide spectrum of research studies.


Tailored to your needs

We understand that impactful research requires content that is both precise and tailored to the specifics of your study. We're committed to working alongside you to develop and deploy customized aural rehabilitation lessons, exercises, and full courses designed specifically to align with your research objectives.

Customizable research modules

Tailor the content and exercises to fit specific research needs, enabling precise experimentation and study design.

Extensive content range

Build from individual lessons to full courses, with the ability to incorporate varied materials like music and videos.

Multimedia material support

Our platform supports various content formats such as audio exercises, spoken word content, and music to facilitate engaging, multi-sensory participant experiences, providing the flexibility needed for nuanced research in auditory training.

Direct-to-user distribution

Deliver your custom content seamlessly to participants worldwide via our user-friendly mobile application, ensuring high engagement and adherence.


Actionable insights for targeted research

Auribus was built with data in mind, offering in-depth analytics that provide clear insights into participant progress and the efficacy of aural rehabilitation methods.

Robust analytics engine

With extensive tracking of participant engagement and progress, researchers can access a wealth of data for in-depth analysis of aural rehabilitation efficacy.

Accessible research dashboard

With Auribus Link, access a centralized hub for research data, simplifying the process of tracking study metrics and trends.

Supporting diverse research initiatives

Our data-driven approach supports a broader scope for research. We are open to partnering on a wide range of research projects, from exploring aural rehabilitation outcomes to studying broader auditory health implications.


Reach us at contact@auribuslabs.com with your research goals in mind to get more information about what a collaboration could entail.