May 1, 2024

Auribus Labs Sets New Standard with Hearing Health Platform Update

PORTLAND, USA – (Auribus Labs, LLC) – Auribus Labs, a leader in digital auditory-verbal therapeutics, is proud to announce the most significant update yet to the Auribus platform. Auribus is the world’s first hearing health platform, specializing in aural rehabilitation and hearing loss recovery. This release marks a strategic shift in Auribus Labs’ approach to digital therapeutics, aiming to create a new paradigm centered around the patient that seamlessly integrates healthcare practitioners. 

This update introduces two significant enhancements: a direct connection feature for healthcare practitioners and a completely redesigned course system. The direct connection feature allows patients to easily communicate with their healthcare practitioners, enabling personalized adjustments to rehabilitation plans based on ongoing patient feedback. Future updates will expand this feature to include more interactive functionalities and support a broader range of healthcare communication needs.

Moreover, the redesigned course system is tailored to enhance patient engagement, with structured paths that keep users actively involved in their rehabilitation. This system is a response to feedback from clinicians who noted the challenges in ensuring patients adhere to their rehabilitation regimens due to a lack of supportive digital tools. By providing continual support outside the clinic, Auribus improves outcomes for patients undergoing rehabilitation.

Auribus Labs is actively forming partnerships with renowned clinics and academic medical centers to incorporate their expertise into the ongoing development of the Auribus platform. "These partnerships have been instrumental in shaping our vision for the future and ensuring the clinical validity and efficacy of our rehabilitative approaches," said Avi Kumar, co-founder and CTO of Auribus Labs. "We’ve received nothing but positive reception thus far and we appreciate their excitement for our solution.”

Beyond improving individual experiences, these new features are set to transform how rehabilitation programs are managed and delivered. The infrastructure of the Auribus platform readily supports expansion into rehabilitation for other conditions, and expansion efforts have already begun. This process will be accelerated by the involvement of the first cohort of clinical partners, aiming to make the platform a more interactive tool that enhances practitioner involvement in patient journeys outside the clinical setting.

Aphasia rehabilitation is the first being addressed; a newly developed course and supplementary content are included in this release. This decision stems from the pressing need for specialized interventions in aphasia, a condition affecting over 2 million people in the U.S. alone, impairing their ability to communicate effectively. Their goal is to explore how the vision and paradigm for aural rehabilitation can be applied to aphasia, ensuring that individuals receive the tailored support they need to regain their communication skills and improve their quality of life.

Looking forward, Auribus Labs is committed to continuous innovation and the further development of the Auribus platform. Upcoming updates will focus on expanding the features introduced in this release, enhancing the user interface, and broadening the range of conditions that can be managed through the platform. 

About Auribus Labs

Auribus Labs is a health-tech company that aims to revolutionize the landscape of auditory-verbal rehabilitation by developing innovative and accessible solutions that empower individuals with communication impairments. The company’s first product, Auribus, is the world’s first hearing health platform and tool of choice for aural rehabilitation and hearing loss recovery. Their mission is to pave the way for a future where technology, speech, and hearing converge seamlessly.

Media Contact

Avi Kumar